Making the transition to online learning comes with many new obstacles, but we’ve put together a list with some of our favorite tips and tricks to help you master the transition and make online learning a little easier!


1.  Create a designated working space.

If you don’t currently have a designated workspace you should stop what you’re doing and create one now.  It’s important to have an area that is just for working on schoolwork or other important projects. The space should be void of distractions and give you a sense of focus. The perk of having a designated workspace is that it helps you turn on and off your brain from school mode to relaxation mode.

Pro Tip: Make sure at the end of the day you clean up and declutter your workspace so you can start tomorrow off ready to work.


2. Take Breaks

While getting your schoolwork done in a timely manner is super important, it’s also important to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Make sure you are taking regular breaks, getting some fresh air throughout the day, spending time with family, and getting plenty of rest after a good day’s work.


3. Cut out distractions

It’s time to switch your phone over to airplane mode and turn off Netflix! Cut out the things that distract you from getting your work done to help you be more productive. Instead of scrolling through Instagram for the 12th time today or watching TikTok videos for hours on end, switch your phone off, get some work done, and enjoy a little screen time during a study break or better yet, challenge yourself to take a 24 hour digital detox! 

 Pro Tip: If you find yourself tempted to surf the web instead of focusing on research for your latest science project, there are online websites that can help block social media sites and other online distractions for a set amount of time, for free. Check out programs like SelfControl or Cold Turkey for more information.


4. Utilize free online sources

Learning online isn’t easy.  Utilize free online sources such as Khan Academy to help you better understand the material.  There are tons of programs that will walk you through how to do the Pythagorean theorem, understand what really went down during the War of 1812, and perform experiments that you might not be able to do at home.

Pro Tip: Organizations such as The New York Times, are also giving students free access. Take this opportunity as a chance to stay in the know!


5. Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it! We are currently living in unprecedented times. No generation of students that has come before you have taken on the challenges you currently face. Your teachers want to help. They miss you and they miss getting to experience those “ah ha!” moments with you. Reach out to your teachers and ask for their help or more guidance in understanding the task at hand, they want to be there for you and support you.


We are all learning how to thrive during these uncertain times so take it day by day, and don’t be too hard on yourself!
